- 2022 Clyde Rabb Littlefield Lecture
- 2024 Littlefield Lecture
- 2025 Littlefield Lecture
- An Evolution: Texas Women’s Basketball
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- Clyde Littlefield
The Life of a Texas Legend - Her Story Is Often Missed
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- Iron Game History Volume 1
- Iron Game History Volume 10
- Iron Game History Volume 11
- Iron Game History Volume 12
- Iron Game History Volume 13
- Iron Game History Volume 14
- Iron Game History Volume 15
- Iron Game History Volume 16
- Iron Game History Volume 17
- Iron Game History Volume 2
- Iron Game History Volume 3
- Iron Game History Volume 4
- Iron Game History Volume 5
- Iron Game History Volume 6
- Iron Game History Volume 7
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Posts by category
- Category: Barbells and Bios
- Edmond Desbonnet, La Rois de la Force and the Chronicling of History
- Professor Attila’s Scrapbook in the Classroom
- Barbells and Bios: Health and Strength Magazine, Part V
- Barbells and Bios: Health and Strength Magazine, Part IV
- Barbells and Bios, Health and Strength Magazine, Part III
- Barbells and Bios: Health and Strength Magazine, Part II
- Barbells and Bios: Health and Strength Magazine, Part I
- Barbells and Bios: The Sandow Ringing Dumb-Bell
- Barbells and Bios: A Stark Experience with Graham Hudson
- Barbells & Bios: David Chapman, Sandow the Magnificent (Original Manuscript)
- Barbells & Bios: The Abbye (Pudgy) Eville Stockton and Les Stockton Papers
- Barbells & Bios: Physical Culture Magazine
- Barbells & Bios: The Thomas Beecham Collection
- Barbells & Bios: The Sydell Herbst–Christopher Gian-Cursio Collection
- Barbells & Bios: The Tom Kite Scrapbook
- Barbells & Bios: The Sportswoman Magazine
- Barbells & Bios: Giovanni Belzoni, Strong Man Egyptologist
- Barbells & Bios: Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book
- Barbells & Bios: The Tom Pevier Scrapbook
- Barbells & Bios: De Arte Gymnastica
- Barbells & Bios: The George Jowett Anvil
- Barbells & Bios: Eugen Sandow, Life is Movement Monograph
- Barbells & Bios: Iron Boots
- Barbells & Bios: K.V. Iyer’s Correspondence Course
- Barbells & Bios: The Peoples’ Deadlift Bar
- Barbells & Bios: The Peary and Mabel Rader Collection
- Category: Collection in Focus
- Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month with Tommy Kono
- Photographs from the Anna Hiss Collection
- John Davis on the Cover of Ebony Magazine, May 1952
- Émile Idée Cycling Photograph
- Jody Conradt’s Early UT Career Scrapbooks
- New York Yankees Jersey, c. 1940
- Wilmer Allison and Dave Snyder Tennis Collection Photos
- Mark Henry’s 1992 U.S. Olympic Team Windbreaker
- Mack Brown’s Commemorative Footballs
- Barbells and the Brooklyn Strong Boy
- Sig Klein in Formal Clothing
- Lock of Hair from The Mighty Atom
- Weider Beer Hall Painting
- Darrell K Royal 2005 Championship Ring
- George Jowett’s letter to Ottley Coulter 6/22/1922
- Narragansett Machine Co. Standard Bicycle Trainer
- Photo of Cathy Rigby
- 1950s Strongman Valentine
- “Portrait of a Powerlifter” by Bill Wiman
- Glass Dancers
- Bike racers at the Hartford Wheel Club’s bicycle tournament
- Category: Curator's Corner
- Category: Don't Weaken
- The Milo Steinborn Collection
- The Wheels of God
- Remembering Clyde Littlefield and the 1914 Perfect Season
- Crenshaw and Kite at the Stark Center
- Joe Weider
- Memories of Coach Royal
- Iron Game Historians
- Another Weider Gift
- The Weider Museum Documentary
- We Give You…The Hackenschmidt Scrapbook
- The Stark Center Welcomes NASSH 2011
- From the Iron Game to the Auld Game
- Elmer Bitgood’s Boulder Bell
- Helping Hands
- OUR BODY: The Universe Within (Closed Exhibit)
- Our Davie
- Digitizing History: Professor Attila’s Scrapbook and the Pudgy Stockton Collection
- The Professor, Before and After
- The Peoples Champion
- There and Back Again
- Broad Shoulders
- The Double Gift of Doris Barrilleaux
- A Legacy Lesser Known
- Physical Culture – Part Two
- More Visitors
- Visitors
- Books
- A Message from the Director
- Physical Culture
- Filled with Power
- An Introduction
- Body of Work
- Category: Donors
- Category: Grad Corner
- Category: Horns and Heroes
- Katie Sandwina and the Legacy that Inspired Jan Todd
- Trapped Inside the Glass
- 100+ Years in the Making of DKR-Texas Memorial Stadium
- The Battle Casts
- Silent Billy Wasmund: Tragedy Strikes the 40 Acres
- A Look Back While Looking Ahead
- March Madness
- Hats Off to the History Makers
- Double Exposure: The Artistic Legacy of Two UT Athletics Photography Duos
- Legacy of Love and Tennis: Celebrating the Life and Career of Coach Dave Snyder
- Steins of Strength: A Toast to Oktoberfest and the Legacy of Strongmen
- The Boys of Yore
- Encyclopedic Terry Todd
- A Tale of Two U.T. Cheerleader Barbies
- Treasures Behind Locked Doors
- Bill Freeman Donates Early Nike Prototype to Stark Center
- Category: In the Press
- Texas Standard interviews Terry Todd, director of The Stark Center
- Dr. Thomas Hunt Speaks to Vince Hunt on the history and politics of doping during the Cold War.
- KVUE Feature: The Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936 Exhibition
- Longhorn Network Series Game Changers Features Jan and Terry Todd
- Texas Exes Publication Alcade Features Stark Center’s “Longhorn Legacy: 100 Years of Football Programs” On-Line Exhibit
- Category: It's a Good Life
- An Unexpected Pleasure: Kissing the Ground in Equilibrium—A Search for the Origins of the Pushup
- Jim Lorimer, 1926-2022
- Lost for More than a Century: Donald Dinnie’s Belt is Now at The Stark Center
- Remembering Chris Dickerson and his Gift to Bodybuilding History
- A Surprise Gift from Artist David Deming
- The Terry Todd “Special Issue” of Iron Game History
- Introducing THE STRONGMAN PROJECT A New Stark Center Resource Made Possible by Rogue Fitness
- The Ph.D. Program in Physical Culture and Sport Studies
- An Unexpected Image…Sandwina at 17
- Records, Vitriol and Hafthor Bjornsson’s Quest for the 501 Kilo Deadlift
- Lessons from The Arnold Strongman Classic
- It’s a Good Life
- Category: News, Blogs & Updates
- Preserving Legends: The Victor (Vic) Boff Collection
- All About the Aldersons
- You Are Here: The Stark Center’s Redesigned Lobby is an Orientation Point for New Visitors
- A Special Announcement from Jan Todd: Introducing Patty Fendick-McCain
- CLOSING SOON: Igor Galanin’s Women of Strength and Skill
- Celebrating Jewish-American Heritage Month with Joe Weider
- Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month with Walter Imahara
- New Floors, New Exhibits: Time to Visit The Stark Center
- UPCOMING: 2023 Physical Cultures of the Body Conference
- Four New Sculpture Pieces Donated by Michael Deming & Stark Center Floor Renovation Begins!
- ART TALK with Sculptor David Deming on April 27 at 3pm
- 40 Hours for The Forty Acres Fundraising Campaign
- Jack Shanks’ Lifting Belt and Vest Donated To The Stark Center
- Here’s to the Students!
- “Big Ricky” Comes to The Stark Center and Other New Artifacts
- Rogue Fitness Honors Terry Todd with Documentary Premiering at Austin Film Festival
- STRONGMAN PROJECT Celebrates the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo by Looking Back at the Golden Age of American Weightlifting
- Celebrate Juneteenth with Mark Henry at The Strongman Project
- Clyde Littlefield & The Texas Relays
- A New Page for Academic Conferences and Symposiums
- Remembering Sean Connery as a Bodybuilder and Athlete
- Stark Center materials quoted in an article on Dudley Allen Sargent
- Congratulations to Ryan Murtha!
- A Statement on Racial Injustice
- Lunchtime Lecture with Dr. Broderick Chow on April 25th from 12-1pm
- On the First Lady of Fitness, Betty Weider
- Clarence Bass at the Stark Center – Conference on Exercise Science and his New Book Take Charge.
- A Historian at the Crossroads of History
- Basketball and American Culture: A Special Symposium featuring Bill Bradley
- Basketball great Bill Bradley to speak at UT ( preview)
- Stark Institute for Olympic Studies Hosts 1968 U.S. Olympic Team Reunion
- Category: Reporting from the Records
- Category: Through the Lens
- Women First!
- Harry Johnson Jr. Collection
- The Beat of a Different Drum: Remembering the Frank C. Erwin Jr. Special Events Center, 1979-2022
- Coaching Greatness: Jody Conradt
- Arnold & Jim: The Friendship that Forged The Arnold Classic
- Ottley Coulter Collection
- Doctors Curtis Jackson (Shorty) and Mary Evelyn Buice Alderson Collection
- Todd Art Collection
- Todd Poster Collection
- Weider Art Collection
- The "Battle Casts" at the Stark Center
- Stark Center Lobby
- Stark Center Reading Room
- Joe & Betty Weider Museum
- He Liked Big Things
- Coaching Greatness
- Teresa Lozano Long Art Gallery
- James (Jim) Sanders Collection
- Dennis Rogers Collection
- Ben Crenshaw and Scotty Sayers Collection
- Christine Green and Laurence Chalip Collection
- Harold (Hal) Weiss Collection
- Allan Ryan Collection
- Peary and Mabel Rader Collection
- Beulah (Boo) Law Collection
- Robert (Bob) Goldman Collection
- Jim Apfelbaum Collection
- Thomas Shrader Collection
- Muscle Beach
- Strong Men, Strong Women
- Golf and the Legacy of Harvey Penick
- Strength & Friendship: Remembering Tommy Kono
- Thomas Beecham Collection
- Robert (Bob) Kennedy Collection
- Stephen Green-Armytage Photography Collection
- Joan Whitworth Collection
- Jack Berryman Collection
- Bob Samuels Collection
- History of Naturopathy and Alternative Medicine Library
- Darrell K Royal Collection
- Stanley Rothwell Collection
- Thomas (Tom) Kite Collection
- Anna Hiss Collection
- James (Jim) Dunaway Collection
- Jody Conradt Collection
- The University of Texas Women's Basketball and Intercollegiate Athletics Collection
- The University of Texas at Austin Athletics Media Relations Office Collections
- Steve Wennerstrom Collection
- Harvey Penick and Tinsley Penick Collection
- Wilmer Allison and Dave Snyder Collection
- Mack Brown Collection
- William H. and Susan S. Bushman Golf Library
- Pamela (Pam) Ellen Ferguson Collection
- John Hordines Collection
- Edmund and Adelyn Hoffman Collection
- Judy Gedney Collection
- Joe and Betty Weider Collection
- Alton Eliason Collection
- Vic Boff Collection
- William Ward Collection
- Albert Davis Photography Collection
- Thomas (Stout) Jackson Collection
- Milton Jamail Collection
- William Taft Collection
- Herbert Shelton Collection
- Joseph Maczuga Collection
- Maude Frank Collection
- Louis Attila (Professor Attila) and Siegmund Klein Collection
- Al Leroux Collection
- Johnnie Lee Macfadden Collection
- Jesse Mercer Gehman Collection
- Sydell Herbst and Christopher Gian-Cursio Collection
- David Willoughby Collection
- Roy J. McLean Collection
- Charles Yesalis Collection
- Pudgy and Les Stockton Collection
- Robert (Bob) Hoffman and Alda Ketterman Collection
- George Jowett Collection
- Doris Barrilleaux Collection
- Dr. Gary Wadler Collection
IGH Articles
- Mary Macfadden And The Media Narrative of The Physical Culture Family, Lucy Boucher and Jan Todd
- Review Of Edmond Desbonnet, The Kings of Strength: A History Of All Strong Men From Ancient Times to Our Own, Edited and Translated by David L. Chapman
- Chris Dickerson: A Remembrance And An Appreciation
- Reminiscences And Impressions Over The Years
- A Token Remembrance Of An Iron Game Pioneer: An Introduction
- Giving Attitudes: Living Statues And The Origins Of Physique Posing 1708-1830
- The Wheel Of Pain Keeps On Turning: On Human Potential At The Arnold Sports Festival
- Pete George: A Personal Tribute
- American Made: How Judy Glenney Pioneered the International Women’s Weightlifting Movement
- Gary Cleveland: The Triumphs and Travails of an Iron Game Outlier
- The First Female Celebrity Fitness Author: Vaudeville’s Belle Gordon – Champion Lady Bag Puncher of the World
- Charmion and the Business of Physical Culture Charm the Turn of the Twentieth Century
- Uncovering the History of William L. Murray, Bodybuilding’s First Champion
- The True Pioneer of TV Fitness: Paige Palmer of Cleveland’s WEWS TV
- 5000 Miles To Lift Against South Africa: A Critical Overview of the Olympic Experiences of Ron Eland
- A Place for Women: University Gymnasiums, 1867-1969
- Between Belonging and Fitting In: Exploring the Intersections of Aging, Gener and Physical Activity from an Anthropological Perspective
- The Australian Body: Masculinity, Whiteness, and Heterosexuality in 1980s Film
- Champion, Columnist, and Physical Culturist: Arthur F. Gay and the Making of Rochester's Health and Strength Community
- 出る釘は打たれる: Tommy Kono’s Performances of Strength and The Formation of Asian American Subjectivity
- Crafting the Ideal Woman: Photomechanical Manipulation in Edmond Desbonnet's Physical Culture Publications
- Pietro Monte's Collectanea: A Compendium of Knowledge About the Body, Health, and Exercise
- Bob Hoffman's Last Will and Testament
- My Remembrance of Jean Paul Getty
- The Extraordinary Life of Polymath David P. Willoughby Part II: The Measure of a Man
- The Extraordinary Life of Polymath David P. Willoughby Part One: Education and The Iron Game
- Mabel Rader: A Champion for Women's Lifting
- Harold “ODDJOB” Sakata: Athletic Hero or Heel?
- In Memoriam, Terry Todd, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2018
- Fat Pets, Unpublished Poems, Circa 1983
- Philosophical and Practical Considerations for a 'Strongest Man' Contest, Philosophical Reflections on Physical Strength, 2010
- Mark Henry's Olympic Diary, Beaumont Enterprise, 1996
- The Ironbound Journals, Unpublished, 1991
- Swimsuit Issue Embodies Traditional View of Beauty, Am. Statesman, 1989
- Letter to Milo Steinborn, Unpublished, 1986
- Bob Hoffman Passes Away, Iron Man, 1985
- Terry's Story, Lift Your Way to Youthful Fitness, 1985
- The Myth of the Musclebound Lifter, NSCA Journal, 1985
- Of Ox Bells and Christmas, Sports Illustrated, 1984
- Behold Bulgaria's Vest-Pocket Hercules, Sports Illustrated, 1984
- Periodization for Powerlifting, The Powerlifter, 1981
- 1978 World Power Champs, Iron Man, 1979
- Notes on Vasily Alexeyev and David Rigert, Unpublished, 1978
- Chapter One: Powerlifts and Powerlifting, Inside Powerlifting, 1978
- Is Hard Physical Work a Good Bodybuilding Medium? Iron Man, 1976
- Developing Size and Strength: Bob Peoples: Super Deadlifter, Muscular Development, 1973
- Teacher to Teacher: A Letter to Edgar Friedenberg, Katallagete, 1972
- Mighty Mitts, Strenght & Health, 1965
- Which is Best – Barbell or Isometric? Iron Man, 1962
- Celebrating the Life of Terry Todd
- Introduction: The Terry Todd Collectanea
- The Nuuanu YMCA and The Glory Days of Hawaii Weightlifting
- Walter Camp and The Daily Dozen: A Largely Forgotten Episode in the History of American Physical Culture
- “It Is Now Within Your Reach”: Annette Kellerman and Feminine Agency in Physical Culture
- Thirty Years of Iron Game History: Ushering in a New Era
- Tributes to Tommy Kono from His Friends and Colleagues
- Tommy Kono: What Manner of Man Is This?
- Tommy Kono: Greatest Weightlifter of All Time
- Tribute to Tommy Kono from His Hawaii Teammates
- Tommy Kono and The Power of Positive Thinking: The Indomitable Spirit of America’s Greatest Weightlifter
- My Hero, My Friend: Tommy Kono
- Remembering America’s Greatest Weightlifter—Tommy Kono; Table of Contents
- K.V. Iyer: Mixing Bodybuilding and Yoga
- (George) Bernard Shaw’s Unique Physical Culture Obsession
- Unequaled Yet Never Equal: The Portrayal of John Davis in Strength & Health Magazine, 1938-1957
- American Icarus: Vic Tanny and America's First Health Club Chain
- The "Idol of My Young Manhood": Norbert Schemansky, May 30, 1924-September 7, 2016
- The Kono Legacy; Table of Contents
- David Webster, OBE Remembers Louis Martin, MBE
- A Prelude to Big Time Football: H.J. Lutcher Stark and the 1910 University of Texas Football Season
- Weighing The Options: Conversations on the Use of Performance Enhancing Gear in Powerlifting
- Shifting Gear: A Historical Analysis of the Use of Supportive Apparel in Powerlifting
- The USA vs. the World: A Statistical Analysis of American, World, and Olympic Weightlifting Results, 1970-1992: Part 3
- Reflections On Physical Culture-Defining Our Field and Protecting Its Integrity; Table of Contents
- A Snatch for the Ages; IGH Subscription Form
- Science from Strength: Thomas L. DeLorme and the Medical Acceptance of Progessive Resistance Exercise
- A Final Note (on Mike Jenkins)
- Mike Jenkins (1982-2013): The Life and Death of a Strongman
- The USA vs. the World: A Statistical Analysis of American, World, and Olympic Weightlifting Results, 1970-1992: Part 2
- Breaking the Physique Barrier: Steve Reeves and the Promotion of Hercules
- New at The Stark: The Max Furek/Steele Jungle Collection
- Doped Athletes as Enhancement Models for the Twenty-first Century
- The Return of Iron Game History; Table of Contents
- Reflections on Valentin Hristov's Champion on a Cross; IGH Subscription Form
- The USA vs. the World: A Statistical Analysis of American, World, and Olympic Weightlifting Results, 1970-1992: Part 1
- Beyond the Hack Squat: George Hackenschmidt's Forgotten Legacy as a Strength Training Pioneer
- The Passing of a Titan (Joe Weider); Table of Contents
- Lifting the Iron Curtain: Paul Anderson and the Cold War's First Sport Exchange
- The Science of Reps: The Strength Training Contributions of Dr. Richard A. Berger
- Book Review: Managing the Body: Beauty, Health and Fitness in Britain
- Memories of Coach Darrell K Royal; Table of Contents
- "As the Twig is Bent" Bob Hoffman and Youth Training in the Pre-Steroid Era
- Joe Weider, All American Athlete, and the Promotion of Strength Training for Sport: 1940-1969
- A Dream Come True; Table of Contents
- Jimmy Payne: The Forgotten Mr. America; IGH Subscription Form
- Doris Barrilleaux And the Beginnings of Modern Women's Bodybuilding
- I Remember Vasily Alexeyev; Table of Contents
- Book Review: A Pantheon of Iron Game Heroes; IGH Subscription Form
- Jim Lorimer's Unexpected Path: From the Ohio Track Club to the Arnold Sports Festival
- "If Anyone Gets Slower, You're Fired": Boyd Epley and the Formation of the Strength Coaching Profession
- The Weider Art Collection; Table of Contents
- The Iron Grapevine; IGH Subscription Form
- Mighty Mitts, The Contest
- George Hackenschmidt vs. Frank Gotch Media Representations and the World Wrestling Title of 1908
- Testing for the World's Strongest Man: Ensuring that the Man Called "The Strongest Man in the World" Is the Strongest Man in the World
- A Finding Aid for The Pudgy and Les Stockton Collection; Table of Contents
- Book Review: Randy Roach Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors, Vol. I; The State of the Stark Center cont.; IGH Subscription Form
- Remembering Armand Tanny
- The Intangible Arnold: The Controversial Mr. Olympia Contest of 1980
- The State of The Stark Center; Table of Contents
- The Iron Grapevine; IGH Subscription Form
- Weight-lifting "as a sport, as a means of body building, and as a profession": Alan Calvert's The Truth About Weight-Lifting
- The National Strength and Conditioning Association-Our New Partners
- Ben Weider February 1, 1923 - October 17, 2008
- The Iron Grapevine
- Why I Loved Al Thomas
- The Amazing Transformation of Bruce Randall
- Size Matters: Reflections on Muscle, Drugs, and Sport
- Weiders Formalize Second Million Dollar Gift: Also Pledge Rare Artifacts to Museum; Table of Contents
- The Iron Grapevine; IGH Subscription Form
- The King of Strength: The 2008 Arnold Strongman Classic
- Gregory Paradise: The Original Pocket Hercules
- The Lessons of Crisis: Olympic Doping Regulation During the 1980s
- My Memories of Reg Park
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Remembers Reg Park
- Reg Park: The Passing of An Icon; Table of Contents
- The Iron Grapevine
- Remembering “To The Ladies”
- Strong Wind Versus Weak Tree – My True Story –
- A Perfect Storm: An Analysis of the American Youth Obesity Epidemic
- Center Ring: Katie Sandwina and the Construction of Celebrity
- Pudgy Stockton: The Belle of the Barbell
- The Iron Grapevine
- Was Hermann Goerner Truly Mighty?
- Physical Culture Frolics in the Old Dominion: Bill Colonna's Picnics, 1953-1961
- Strongest of the Strong: Savickas Earns Fifth Straight Title at 2007 Arnold Strongman Classic
- The Iron Grapevine
- Yearning for Muscular Power
- Powerlifting’s Watershed: Frantz v. United States Powerlifting Federation: The Legal Case that Changed the Nature of a Sport
- Announcing the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Quest for the Quarter Master
- The Origins of German Bodybuilding: 1790-1970
- Kati Sandwina: Hercules Can Be a Lady
- Fitness Collection Receives Oldest Known Book On Physical Culture and Sports Medicine
- A Surprise Gift at the 2005 Arnold Strongman Classic
- The Iron Grapevine
- Strength - America's First Muscle Magazine: 1914-1935
- The Arnold Strongman Classic
- The Iron Grapevine
- Reflections on Strength, Gender, and Lifting Formulas
- The Gym: Place of Bodily Regimes - Training, Diet, and Doping
- Arthur Jones: An Uncoventional Character
- The (Jim) Murray/ (Peter) Karpovich Correspondence
- The Conversion of Dr. Peter Karpovich
- Joe & (Betty) Weider Create Million Dollar Endowment for U.T.-Austin Collection
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Pioneers of Protein
- "Chaos Can Have Gentle Beginnings": The Early History of the Quest for Drug Testing in American Powerlifting: 1964-1984
- (Louis) Attila Enters the Cyber World
- The Iron Grapevine
- Retro Stud: Muscle Movie Posters From Around the World (Book Review)
- Benedict Lust, Naturopathy, and the Theory of Therapeutic Universalism
- Miss Apollina
- Dudley Allen Sargent: Health Machines and the Energized Male Body
- The Herbert Shelton Collection
- The Iron Grapevine
- Mr. America: Idealism or Racism: Color Consciousness and the AAU Mr. America Contest, 1939-1982
- Arnold's Strongest Man
- Sergei Eliseev: The Timid Revolutionary
- Professor Pat O’Shea— Strength Science Pioneer
- The Iron Grapevine: Our Readers Remember "Vic" Boff: 1917-2002
- Farewell to Vic Boff
- Vic Boff: The Old Game’s Best Friend: Face-to-Face—and by Proxy; Table of Contents
- Mark Henry Cleans the "Unliftable" Inch Dumbbell With One Hand and Push Presses It at the 2002 AOBS Dinner
- As Men Do Walk A Mile, Women Should Talk an Hour…Tis Their Exercise
- Requiem for a Strongman: Reassessing the Career of Professor Louis Attila
- Emparons-nous du sport: Les Canadiens Francais et le sport au XIXe siecle (Let Us Seize Sport: French Canadians & Sport in the Nineteenth Century)
- The Iron Grapevine
- A Physical Culture Bibliography (Book Review)
- Donald Dinnie: The First Sporting Superstar (Book Review)
- The Cold War's Impact on the Evolution of Training Theory in Boxing
- New Light on Bob Hoffman's Georgia Roots
- The Arnold Strength Summit; Table of Contents
- Norbert Schemansky: American Lifting's Last Superstar, On Hero as the Focus of a Great Game's "Meaning`|`Thomas, Al
- The History of Cardinal Farnese's "Weary Hercules`|`Todd, Jan
- Ironclad-Paul Anderson's June 12, 1957 Backlift
- Searching for the Real Paul Anderson. A Review Article.
- Portrait of a Strongman The Circus Career of Ottley Russell Coulter
- Me and Paul; Table of Contents
- Strongmen I Remember Best...I Meet The "Champ`|`Klein, Siegmund
- Sex! Murder! Suicide! New Revelations about the "Mystery of Minerva`|`Todd, Jan
- Steve Reeves: My Role Model
- The Iron Grapevine
- Steve Reeves Dazzled The World
- Steve Reeves: A Lifetime of Inspiration
- Finally Meeting the Man
- Hercules Meets Sealtest Dan: The Rediscovery of an Iron Game Icon
- A King Meets a King
- The Immortal Reeves
- Armand Tanny Remembers Steve Reeves
- The Steve Reeves I Know and Remember
- Perfection in Chicago: Lanza Photographs Steve Reeves
- Memories of Steve Reeves
- The Last Interview
- Who Posed For The Statue Of Prometheus?
- Ironclad - Paul Anderson's Famous Safe
- The Atlas & Vulcana Group of Society Athletes
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Voyage of a Lifetime
- The Jim Bradford Story
- Theodor Siebert: A Biography
- The Father of Athletics, Theodor Siebert (1866-1961): A Life Amongst Bodybuilding, Life Reform and Esoterica
- Steve Reeves—1925-2000
- Ironclad - Paul Anderson's 1953 Hiplift
- The Flemish Hercules
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Brothers Baillargeon: Excerpted from Rejean Levesque and Kathy Paradis’s Homage aux célèbres frères Baillargeon
- Arthur Dreschler's The Weightlifting Encyclopedia: A Guide to World Class Performance (Book Review)
- Il Duce and The Father of Physical Culture
- The Jowett Scholarship - A Gift That Keeps on Giving
- "The Man's Just Too Strong for Words to Describe": The Weightlifting Exploits of John C. Grimek
- John Grimek Master of the Dance
- How Steve Reeves Trained
- The Iron Grapevine
- Tribute to a Titan
- The First Great Bodybuilder
- Muscle Marvel (Cartoon)
- Best of Them All
- My Visit To (Edmond) Desbonnet
- My Thoughts and Reflections on John C. Grimek
- I Thought He Was Immortal
- Ironclad-John Grimek’s Physique Competitions
- Another Memory
- Remembering Grimek
- Experiences with John Grimek
- Life With John
- The King is Dead
- Our Memories of John Grimek
- My Friend: John C. Grimek
- Immortalizing Grimek
- John Grimek - The Man
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Sculpture Machine (Book Review)
- Ironclad (Discrepancies in Literature)
- Louis Cyr and Charles Sampson: Archetypes of Vaudevillian Strongmen
- Big Santa
- McGwire's Secret
- Physical Fitness Magazine: Why Did it Fail?
- Jim Lorimer: The Iron Game's Greatest Promoter
- John Grimek: 1910-1998
- Building the Classic Physique - The Natural Way by Steve Reeves (Book Review)
- Building Bodies by Pamela L. Moore (Book Review)
- Excerpts from: Strength Athletics and Swedish Gymnastics (Athlétisme et Gymnastique Suédoise)
- The Iron Grapevine
- Ironclad - The Impending Disconnect: An Opinion/Prediction
- Reconsidering Donald Dinnie: A Response to Frank Zarnowski's "The Amazing Donald Dinnie" published in IGH Vol. 5, No. 1
- The Search for Elmer Bitgood: The Paul Bunyan of New England
- A Progress Report
- The Association of Oldetime Barbell and Strongmen 15th Annual Reunion/Dinner
- (Eugen) Sandow: No Folly With (Florenz) Ziegfeld's First Glorification
- The Indian Club as Folk Art (Book Review)
- The Iron Grapevine
- Some Lesser Known Strongmen of the Fifties and Sixties
- Mark Henry’s Dilemma - Reflections on Drugs at the Olympics
- The Amazing Donald Dinnie: The Nineteenth Century’s Greatest Athlete
- Harold Weiss - Another Friend Gone
- Apollon, The Emperor of Athletes
- Apollon From Edmond Desbonnet’s Les Rois de la Force [The Kings of Strength]
- The Iron Grapevine
- Too Many Cookes?
- The All – Inclusive Body Excerpted from: Kenneth Dutton’s The Perfectible Body: The Western Ideal of Physical Development
- Weightlifting's Non-Lifting Patron Saint
- Editorial - An Explanation
- The Iron Grapevine
- Physical Exercise and Training In Ancient Jewish Lore
- Hippolyte Triat From: Edmond Desbonnet’s Les Rois de la Force [The Kings of Strength]
- The Superior Physique
- Oasis in Manhattan Part Two - Excerpts from an Account of the “Golden Years” of Bodybuilding
- Fugitive Books (Reviews)
- The 97-Pound Weakling…who became The World's Most Perfectly Developed Man
- A Gala Evening: The 1996 (Oscar) Heidenstam Dinner
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Strange Saga of Galen Gough
- From Philadelphia to York: George Jowett, Mark Berry, Bob Hoffman, and the Rebirth of American Weightlifting, 1927-1936
- Relocation Blues
- The (Oscar) Heidenstam Dinner
- Paul Anderson’s Moscow Triumph
- The Iron Grapevine
- Some Thoughts on Spirit: Its Source and "Uses" in the Best of Games
- Excerpt from: Pour Devenir Fort et le Rester [How to Get Strong and Stay So] Chapter XXVI: How Triat's Memory was Saved from Oblivion
- Jack Walsh — World’s Strongest Man?
- Gama the World Champion: Wrestling and Physical Culture in Colonial India
- Honoring Al Thomas
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Roark Report - Measuring the Arm of Manfred Hoeberl
- Oasis in Manhattan - Excerpts from an Account of the “Golden Years” of Bodybuilding
- The European Corner-William Pagel: Circus Strongman
- Hippolyte Triat From: Edmond Desbonnet’s Les Rois de la Force
- Siegmund (Klein) Rejoins the Professor (Louis Attila)
- The Iron Grapevine
- A Tale of Two Trainers— John Fritshe and Sig Klein
- Mac (Batchelor) and Jan (Todd)
- From Milo to Milo: A History of Barbells, Dumbells, and Indian Clubs
- More On The Nature of Bodybuilding
- Reflections on The Twelfth Annual Oldetime Barbell and Strongmen’s Association Reunion
- The Roark Report - A History of the Mr. Universe Contest, Part Two: 1948–London, England
- Father-Figure or Phony? George Jowett, the ACWLA and the Milo Barbell Company, 1924-1927
- Paul Anderson: Superman From the South
- Some Observations on Iron Game History as Revolutionary Manifesto and Evangel
- An Evening to Remember: The 1994 Heidenstam Memorial Trust and Hall of Fame Awards
- The Roark Report - A History of the Mr. Universe and Mr. World Competitions Before 1950: Part One: Mr. Universe 1947
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Expansion of Resistance Training in U.S. Higher Education Through the Mid-1960s
- Roy Hilligenn — The Smiling Superman
- Bodybuilding in Germany in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
- Paul Anderson: 1932-1994
- The Iron Grapevine
- The PGA Tour’s Traveling Gym— How It Began
- John Carrol Grimek: The Nonpareil
- Sandow's First Triumph
- Another Big Man Gone
- The Iron Grapevine
- Where Are They Now? Bob Samuels
- Thomas Jefferson “Stout” Jackson: Texas Strongman
- More Memories of Bob Hoffman
- Ed Jubinville–A Memorial
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Roark Report — John Terpak: 1912-1993
- Remembering Bob Hoffman
- Where Are They Now? George Redpath: A Life in the Balance
- “Strength is Health”: George Barker Windship and the First American Weight Training Boom
- Gregg Ernst: Bringing Back the Backlift
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Roark Report: Chuck Sipes
- Where Are They Now? Bill Curry and the Gospel of Physical Fitness
- George Jowett, Ottley Coulter, David Willoughby and the Organization of American Weightlifting, 1911-1924
- Jim Witt: A Life With Two Loves; John Fair to join IGH Editorial Board
- The Roark Report: Some Memorable Iron Game Moments in Chronological Order
- The Iron Grapevine
- Where Are They Now? Joe Assirati: Reminiscences of Britain’s Renaissance of Strength
- The European Corner: Launceston Elliot
- The History of Strength Training for Athletes at the University of Texas (at Austin)
- Some Thoughts on the Body: How it Means and What it Means
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Roark Report: The Mr. America Contest: A Brief History
- The European Corner: A Chronology of Significant Events in the Life of Eugen Sandow
- John Terpak’s 80th Birthday: A York Reunion
- The Classical Ideal and Its Impact on The Search for Suitable Exercise: 1774-1830
- Bob Peoples: Deadlift Champion, Strength Theorist, Civic Leader
- The Need for A Hall Of Fame
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Roark Report: Gyms of the Past
- Muscles, Memory: and George Hackenschmidt
- Terry Robinson The Legend Behind The Man Behind The Legend
- William Blaikie and Physical Fitness in Late Nineteenth Century America
- Passings
- The Iron Grapevine
- European Corner: Grigori Novak
- Where Are They Now? Police Chief Joe Peters: Lawman as Strongman
- The Roark Report: Requiescat in Pace Alyce Yarick, Bert Goodrich and Bill
- The Origins of Weight Training for Female Athletes in North America
- Reflections on Musclebinding
- The Iron Grapevine
- The European Corner: Monte Saldo
- Al Roy: Mythbreaker
- Where Are They Now? Mike Mungioli
- The Roark Report: Backlifting
- The Legacy of Pudgy Stockton
- Peary Rader (1909-1991) Our Best Man Gone
- Notices – Mark Henry & Conclude Important Dates in Iron Game History
- The Iron Grapevine
- European Corner: Oscar Heidenstam
- The Roark Report: The Rolandow Dumbbell
- The President's Report: The Golden Grimeks
- Where Are They Now? Sam Loprinzi
- George Hackenschmidt on George Lurich
- Talking With The: World's Strongest Woman
- A Pioneer of Physical Training: C.H. McCloy
- The Roark Report
- A Briefly Annotated Bibliography of English Language Serial Publications in the Field of Physical Culture
- European Corner: Captain Barclay Extraordinary Exerciser of the Nineteenth Century
- Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle and the Iron Pills
- The Iron Grapevine
- Remembered Pleasures of Another Place and Time: The Great Strength and Health Picnics
- Tribute to a Strength Athlete-Bert Assirati
- Charles A. Smith
- Where Are They Now? Jack Long: Physical Culturist-Physician
- Bernarr MacFadden: Reformer of Feminine Form
- Love to the Outermost Farthing
- The Roark Report: The Need For References
- European Corner: How I Met Dr. Krajewsky
- The Iron Grapevine
- Books and Magazines
- The President's Report: Growing Old Strong
- Where Are They Now?: John Grimek
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- The Roark Report: The Iron Man Hand Grippers
- The Mystery of Minerva
- Where Are They Now?: Gene Jantzen
- Books and Magazines
- European Corner: Giovanni Belzoni: Strongman Archaeologist
- The Iron Grapevine
- The Legend of Louis Cyr
- A Message From the President
- Steroids: An Historical Perspective
- Steroids and Monkey Glands
- The President's Message
- The Roark Report-The Value of Accuracy
- The Todd-McLean Collection
- Books and Magazines
- Where Are They Now?: John Curd Edmunds: Master of the Pull-up
- The European Corner
- The Iron Grapevine
- Profile: John Y. Smith
- A Statement of Purpose
Staff Picks
- Bike racers at the Hartford Wheel Club’s bicycle tournament
- Darrell K Royal 2005 Championship Ring
- Lock of hair from Mighty Atom
- Narragansett Machine Co. Standard Bicycle Trainer
- Iron Boots
- Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas
- The Strong Man
- University of Texas at Austin 1911 Football Scrapbook
- Lewis's Gymnastic Monthly and Journal of Physical Culture
- 1924 Dedication Program Texas Memorial Stadium Texas - A & M Game
- 1926 Texas A & M vs Texas U Football Program
- Second Annual Texas Relay Official Program
- Clyde Littlefield Scrapbooks
- 1899 Texas vs Sewanee Official Souvenir Football Program
- 1925 UT Longhorn Football Records
- Iron Game History: The Journal of Physical Culture
- Dave Draper’s Definition Program
- Chris Dickerson's Ideal Development Pamphlets
- Durbin’s All Americanways to Health
- Body Building: How to Exercise with Weights
- Gary Plock Collection - Chip and Gary Tennis Show Podcast
- The Three Bartos Scrapbook
- Gustave "Pig" Dittmar Scrapbooks
- University of Texas 1947 Season Baseball Scrapbook
- Physiques of All Nations as the Camera Sees Them, Volume 1
- Harvey Penick's Little Red Golf Letter (April 1994 - Vol. 1 No. 3)
- George F. Jowett Scrapbook
- Professor Anthony Barker Scrapbook
- Henry 'Milo' Steinborn Scrapbooks
- Health and Life
- Ottley Coulter Collection --Scrapbooks
- Strength Magazine, 1914-1930
- H.J. Lutcher Stark Football Letters
- Ottley Coulter Collection - K.V. Iyer "Training through Correspondence"
- Ottley Coulter / George Jowett Correspondence
- Professor Attila’s Scrapbook
- George Hackenschmidt Scrapbook
- Commemorative 1914 UT Longhorns Publication
- Comment on Devient Athlete (How One Become an Athlete) & Les Rois de la Lutte (The Kings of Wrestling) by Edmond Desbonnet
- Les Rois de la Force (The Kings of Strength) by Edmond Desbonnet
- Physical Culture, 1899-1910
- Your Physique, Vol. 1, No. 1
- Texas vs Oklahoma 1910 Football Program
- Track and Field Athletics by Clyde Littlefield
- 1963 Texas Longhorn National Championship
- Boxing Photos from the Albert Davis Sport and Photography Collection
- Longhorn Power: An On-Line Exhibition on Strength Training for UT Sports
- An Evolution: Texas Women's Basketball
- Running chapter from "Training for Athletics" by W.G. George
- The 100-UP Exercise by W.G. George
- 1968 U.S. Olympic Team Oral History Project
- Clyde Littlefield: The Life of a Texas Legend
- Rachel Ozerkevich
- Lucy Boucher
- Ciera Jones
- Todd Tuetken
- Jessica Luther
- Erin Crownover
- Caroline Jones
- Charles Stocking
- Patty McCain
- Kyle R. Martin
- Terry Todd, 1938-2018
- Tolga Ozyurtcu
- Kim Beckwith
- John D. Fair
- Thomas Hunt
- Geoff Schmalz
- Jan Todd
3D FlipBook
- The Strong Man December 1932 Volume 2 Number 5
- The Strong Man November 1932 Volume 2 Number 4
- The Strong Man February 1932 Volume 2 Number 3
- The Strong Man December 1931 Volume 2 Number 1
- The Strong Man January 1932 Volume 2 Number 2
- The Strong Man November 1931 Volume 1 Number 6
- The Strong Man October 1931 Volume 1 Number 5
- The Strong Man September 1931 Volume 1 Number 4
- The Strong Man August 1931 Volume 1 Number 3
- The Strong Man July 1931 Volume 1 Number 2
- The Strong Man June 1931 Vol. 1 No. 1
- University of Texas at Austin 1911 Football Scrapbook
- Lewis' New Gymnastics for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children and Boston Journal of Physical Culture 1861-01, Vol. 1 No. 3
- 1924 Dedication Program Texas Memorial Stadium Texas - A & M Game
- 1926 Texas A & M vs Texas U Football Program
- Second Annual Texas Relays Official Program
- Clyde Littlefield Scrapbook 1913-1920
- Clyde Littlefield Scrapbook 1912-1915
- 1899 Texas vs Sewanee Official Souvenir Football Program
- 1925 UT Longhorn Football Records
- Iron Game History: The Journal of Physical Culture
- Body Building: How to Exercise with Weights
- Chris Dickerson Ideal Deltoid Development Pamphlet
- Dave Draper’s Definition Program
- Durbin’s All Americanways to Health
- The Three Bartos
- Gus "Pig" Dittmar Scrapbook #2
- Gus "Pig" Dittmar Scrapbook #3
- University of Texas 1947 Season Baseball Scrapbook
- Harvey Penick's Little Red Golf Letter with Terry Todd article
- Paul Putnam: Physiques of All Nations as the Camera Sees Them
- Milo Steinborn Scrapbook #20
- Health and Life v1n1
- Les Rois de la Force
- Strength 1914-10
- Physical Culture v1n1
- Devient Athlete Les Rois De La Lutte
- Gus "Pig" Dittmar Scrapbook #1
- Attila Scrapbook
- 1963 Championship Football Book
- Longhorn 1914 Football Program
- Texas vs Oklahoma 1910 Football Program
- Track and Field Athletics
- Running Training for Athletics
- Your Physique v1n1
- 100 Up Exercise
- Hackenschmidt Scrapbook
Timeline Stories
- Inducted into the Track and Field Coaches Hall of Fame
- Honors
- Retirement of a Legend
- Conradt into Basketball Halls of Fame
- 183-game Southwest Conference Winning Streak Snapped
- National Champions
- UT VS. Old Dominion on ESPN
- Annette Smith, UT's All-Time Leading Scorer
- NCAA Final Four in Austin
- Women's Basketball Media Guide
- First Event at the SEC
- Jody Conradt Hired
- A Year of Firsts
- Title IX and Student-Athletes
- Basketball added as Nonvarsity Sport
- Anna Hiss Retires
- Small Changes
- Women's Gymnasium Built
- N Hall
- Anna Hiss Hired
- Keeping Basketball in Check
- Intramural, Interclass
- All-Star Team of 1902
- Ideson vs. Whitis
- Attends Peacock Military Academy in San Antonio, Texas
- Legacy
- Honored in National Track and Field Hall of Fame
- University of Texas Plaque of Honor
- Honor Day for Coach Clyde Littlefield
- Texas Relays Dedicated to Littlefield
- Retires from Head Coach position
- Track Coach of the Year
- Member of the 1952 US Olympic Track and Field Coaching Staff
- Relays Dedicated to Clyde Littlefield
- Founded Texas Relays
- Married
- Coach at UT
- World War I Service
- Coach at Greenville, TX public schools
- Attends The University of Texas
- Attends Marshall Training School
- Born
Material Types
- Art
- ArtCollections
- Artifacts
- Awards
- Books
- Business Records
- Clippings
- Correspondence
- Diaries
- Ephemera
- Journals
- Letters
- Magazines
- Manuals
- Manuscripts
- Medical files
- Pamphlets
- Periodicals
- Photos
- Player records
- Posters
- Programs
- Scorecards
- Scrapbooks
- Season results
- Texas Memorabilia
- Training Courses
- Videos