Physical Culture and Sport Studies
Graduate Program

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Physical Culture and Sport Studies

Pursue a Ph.D. in Physical Culture and Sport Studies to prepare for an academic career with a focus in research.

This program brings together related fields of sport history, the history of physical culture and exercise science, and the history of doping and human enhancement. Students are encouraged to choose coursework from multiple areas within the University that fit their academic interests. Those subjects which relate to sport often include law, politics, ethics, culture, and philosophy.

Graduate student Andrew Hao, University of Texas professor Thomas M. Hunt and another graduate student in the Reading Room; a poster featuring strongman Apollon (Louis Uni), from the Todd Poster Collection, is in the background.

The Physical Culture and Sport Studies (PCSS) program is designed for students who are interested in

Sport history

Physical culture studies

Sport law

Sport and politics

Sport philosophy

Related subject areas