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Former University of Texas tennis coach Wilmer Allison, giving a backhand demonstration, from the Wilmer Allison and Dave Snyder Tennis Collection.

Wilmer Allison and Dave Snyder Collection

The Allison and Snyder Collection documents the coaching careers of University of Texas men’s tennis coaches Wilmer Allison and David Snyder. Wilmer Allison began coaching at UT in 1938 as an assistant to Daniel A. Penick, and became head coach in 1957.  David Snyder was a UT tennis player from 1952-1956 and became head coach...

Alton Eliason Collection

Eliason was a gym owner in the 1930s and 1940s, a writer, a collector, and a lifelong physical culturist and organic gardener who also promoted bodybuilding and weightlifting competitions in the New England area.

Vic Boff and Iceberg Athletic Club on beach with "Happy New Year" banner.

Vic Boff Collection

Boff, a longtime physical culturist and founder of the Association of Oldetime Barbell and Strongmen, was friends with many people involved in the field, including George F. Jowett and Joe Bonomo. He was also the most well-known winter bather during the middle part of the 20th century.

Joseph Maczuga Collection

Father of donor Jackie Berry, Maczuga, a weightlifter and Rhode Island native, was a prolific collector of weight training and gymnasium equipment.