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Les Rois de la Force (The Kings of Strength) by Edmond Desbonnet

Les Rois de la Force (The Kings of Strength) by Edmond Desbonnet

Les Rois de la Force (The Kings of Strength), written by French physical culturist and magazine publisher Edmond Desbonnet, is regarded by sports historians and private collectors as one most significant books ever published on the history of the Iron Game. Although not yet published in an English translation, what makes the book so valuable...

Book Cover of The 100-Up Exercise

The 100-UP Exercise by W.G. George

A recent article in the New York Times Magazine has spurred renewed interest in W. C. George’s book The 100-Up Exercise. Because Mr. George’s running techniques are fueling some of the discussion surrounding barefoot running and because the book is very difficult to find, the Stark Center is pleased to offer a version of the book in its...