The H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports would not exist were it not for the financial support...

The H. J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture & Sports exists because of the generous donations of private foundations and several dozen individuals who have helped provide the Center with annual operating funds.
Donors to the Stark Center
Although we’ve highlighted these major donors we’ve also received smaller financial donations from dozens of other individuals. Dozens of individuals, for example, made contributions following the death of Terry Todd in 2018 and those funds have been used to create The Terry and Jan Todd Endowed Excellence Fund.
The Stark Center is also indebted to the individuals who donated materials and artifacts for understanding the historical value of their “small collection” and for deciding to share it with others by donating it to the Stark Center. Click here to learn more about donating items to the collection or supporting the collections in other ways.
Please help the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture & Sports continue to preserve the history of UT Athletics, fulfill our mission as an academic research center and library, and to educate the public through our research, public events, online exhibitions, and museum displays. Donations to the Stark Center are considered gifts to The University of Texas at Austin, a non-profit, tax-exempt entity. Some financial gifts may also qualify for naming opportunities within the Center. We are, for example, looking for naming-level donors for the Sport Gallery, Reading Room, and Lobby.