Filled with Power

My first message dealt with one aspect of the practical side of the Stark Center—the two miles of compacting shelves that are now being installed in our Archives area.  Today I’d like to touch on the aesthetic side of the Center—the side that speaks to beauty.  As most of you probably know, considerations of beauty, broadly defined, have been a part of physical culture for millennia, and as we’ve worked with the people who are helping with the design of our space we’ve done our best to make the Center beautiful as well as practically useful. For this reason, I...

An Introduction

Every day or so, beginning today, I plan to breathe a metaphorical song into the air.  That song, as it does in the second and lesser-known stanza of a poem by H.W. Longfellow, will fall to earth “I know not where.”  I hope that my songs, like Longfellow’s, eventually fall to earth just as his did. For the most part, I plan to sing about what we’re doing, have done, and hope to do at the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports here at the University of Texas.  As I do this, I ask for forbearance and...

People Magazine article about Stark Center co-founders Jan and Terry Todd, with a photograph of Terry on Jan's shoulders, from the January 29, 1979 issue, when Jan was considered by some to be the strongest woman in the world.

Body of Work

Originally published by Kay Randall on Top this boy-meets-girl story. Boy and girl are with a group of graduate students and faculty members in a Georgia meadow on a lazy summer afternoon, lolling after a filling picnic and a few cold beers. Some of the guys are sitting on a stack of logs and the conversation turns to the Scottish Highland Games event of caber-tossing, or log-throwing. Jan, called the “strongest woman in the world” by Sports Illustrated and many other news media, hoists Terry on her shoulders during her heyday as a champion powerlifter (from People magazine article). She was listed...