Month: August 2023

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Encyclopedic Terry Todd

Encyclopedic Terry Todd

Let me start by saying, I have never met the man, or if I have, it was only briefly and only incidentally. Last month was the five-year anniversary of the passing of Dr. Terry Todd. While I never had the privilege or the honor of sitting down and spending time with the man, I did...

August 25, 2023December 18, 2024
A Tale of Two U.T. Cheerleader Barbies

A Tale of Two U.T. Cheerleader Barbies

I’ve walked past her a hundred times since I started working at the Stark Center a few months ago. She’s at the end of a row on the top shelf, housed amongst the trophies, plaques, and awards of iconic U.T. Coaches, seemingly a bit out of place. She’s one of thousands of artifacts hidden behind...

August 11, 2023September 14, 2023